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This work provides the implementation part of my bachelor-thesis. It was used to conduct a study about different interface designs in the context of geodashboards. More specifically it was about the particular interaction strategy of comparison. One wants to know the differences between two spatial features of the dataset. What are common interface design to face this issue in the context of geodashboards? The application provides 6 different approaches for comparing two or three spatial features.


The application uses four different datasets. It was required to reduce learning effects for the study participants when using the dashboards. All four datasets consist of values from the years of 2008 to 2022. The use of complex spatial-temporal data justifies the use of multiple coordinated views. In our case: Map, Graph, Table. All datasets are free and open to use and were provided byIoer-Monitor

The free to use geographic data for the german states was provide from theBundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie

Roadnetwork density

Measures the road network density per overall land area. It is measured in km/km².

Share of greenland

Measures the share of grassland in total land area. It is measured in %.

Share of woodland

Measures the share of woodland in total land area. It is measured in %.

Share of agricultural area

Measures the share of agricultural area in total land area. It is measured in %.